
Happy Friday!

chose this Fockford in my favorite bottle shop for tomorrow's dinner with my dear cousin.. Happy Friday~

Find some old photos.. haha

 I came upon some photographs while I was sorting my external disk~

that was the first time I visited a cellar door in China..

It was about 5 years ago maybe

Time flies~ But I still "silly"


What to Eat with Rosé?

Hello everyone

In last blog, we talked about Rosé.  Another issue is What to eat with Rosé?

Think about both the weather and the cooking style of your food. Chilled rosé is thirst-quenching in the summer heat. White wine is a natural go-to during the summer, but sometimes the depth and tannic structure of a rosé pairs better with the season's dishes than the typical aromas of apple and citrus, so commonly found in many white wines.

The food pairing possibilities for rosé are almost endless. What follows is a selective listing of dishes readers will encounter on restaurant menus or can prepare at home. Wherever served, it is almost certain that these dishes when paired with rosé will enhance your pleasure.

Anything grilled 

We generally reach for a bold red when grilling, especially when red meat is on the menu. Rosé offers up these same red grape varietals, while made in a much more refreshing, seasonally appropriate style.

Mediterranean cuisine 

The winemakers in Provence, the birthplace of rosé, originally made rosé as a way to enjoy their red wine grapes during the hot summer months. Rosé is the classic pairing for Mediterranean food.

Mexican fare 

This often tricky-to-pair cuisine is many times too spicy for red wine and too intense for white wine. Rosé can complement the rich, roasted ingredients and tomato sauces wonderfully.

SUMMER is coming!!

Hello everyone:

Last week was a unbearable week, the temperature was already reached 34 degree!!! 

Really hot day, isn't it? 

And that means summer is coming~ 

So, the question is: what is the best way to enjoy summer, in your opinion? 

There's really no wrong way to choose roséthat it’s officially rosé season!


Since 2008, rose wine has been outselling white wine in France. A rose is a pink-colored wine that is made from red, purple or black grapes. The skins are only in contact with the juice for a short time, thus creating the pink hue. 

Pink is New White

TIPS: How is Rosé Made?

At its most basic description, rosé is made from red grapes that see just a short time of skin contact during the fermentation process (anywhere from a couple of hours to a little over a day). Depending upon the length of maceration time the clear juice remains in contact with the dark skins, the color can range from a pale touch of blush to a brilliant, translucent ruby red.
The saignée method is also common and involves "bleeding off" a small portion of the juice during red wine production, resulting in a very concentrated version of rosé.
There are always exceptions to the general rule, however. Rosé can also be made by blending white wine with red wine (as in rosé Champagne production), or by a "whole cluster" pressing, but these methods are much less common.

Say hello!

Hello, everyone

I am Jiayang, 

Just say hello with you here, and I will update here since now~ 

share our winery with u, share wine with u, hope u like it~ :)

see u soon~
